Sunday 21 January 2018

The Magickal Family by Monica Crosson

I like the concept of this type of book, even though as of right now I do not have my own children. It is a nice topic to have some information about, because from what I have seen it is a new topic that has not come into play that often. It has two parts, first Family Magick and then Family Sabbat Celebrations. After the table of contents, there is a table of activities if you want to go to that activity without having to look through the entire book or chapter for it. There are Notes pages for those who like to write in their book or have a place to put additional notes.
There are rites/rituals, crafts and vision quests in the book, which is nice. So there is a connection to what can be done outside of the book and read about it. There are sections that are just information (ex. a garden section/section of plants and food). There is a sense it is kitchen magic orientated, and that of being a green pagan – which many are. The Sabbat section does start with Samhain – with the fact that too many it is the New Year. The conclusion is one page.
Personal stories are brought in to bring in ideas on how to raise kids. These are her stories so not everyone is going to relate or connect. But it with these stories that it started to bring down the book. There are good ideas and points and information but is bogged down by the stories. For me, it would be better if there were more information and ideas, but not have the stories overshadow the book. Stories are nice to have but not when they are taking over the book. I expected more out of this book. Maybe it is because I do not have kids yet or the fact I am not fully onto her writing style. Again, this book does have its points.

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