Thursday 28 December 2017

Goal Round Up

Goal roundup time. Earlier this year I posted some of my goals on this site. I am going to update you on these goals. Here we go.

Now the goal to Australia with my sister is being postponed a few years. This is because she has moved to the west coast. So the plan is to visit her there and my plan to go to Bavaria, Germany within the next two years. So there is a plan to travel with her. I have met my goal to donate blood this year. So that is a positive. I have now read over forty books this year. I am still working on my Ludwig book and have participated in all three Nanowrimos.

I have recorded a few videos outside on my channel. I have recorded an amount for my channel and have finished this year's YouTube Pagan Challenge. As of writing this (December 22), I have reached over 160 Instagram followers and 79 subscribers on YouTube – 82 as of December 28. I hope that between writing and posting this it hits the goals that I originally had. But I am so happy and glad about what I have gained this year. And in the coming year, I plan on growing more and happy with any result.

When Samhain came, I spent it alone, the way I wanted to this year to prepare more for the coming year. I had celebrated Yule this year, by spending a few minutes outside and getting myself a few items from Michaels.

I have donated and used up over fifty items, which was one of my goals this year. As well I have a list of even more books to read in the coming year to exceed what I have done this year. Next years YouTube Pagan Challenge came out and I am planning on that.

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