Sunday 17 December 2017

“365 Days of Crystal Magic,” Sandra Kynes

Each month is a chapter (chapter two to thirteen, chapter one about preparing and using crystals). The introduction has some history and good information. Does talk about cleaning/cleansing crystals – for those who do not do this or believe it is necessary, it is talked about. Same goes when she talks about charging crystals.

Within each month, the set up is the same. There is a small section of the month. It has a list of birthstone – American, British, Others and European 15th - 20th c. It has the months full moon as well. Within the chapters, there are different topics for each day – each that can be categorized into different categories. Like other 365 day books, these categorize would be at the back of the index.
The categories include runic half months, Celtic tree months, sabbats and so on. Some days have quotes/information in italics, or a figure – a rune for the days about runic half months. At the end of each month, there is a page for notes. In the book, there are a number of crystals used, and some used on different days.
This book is for those like to incorporate crystals into their life or for those who like 365 days books. There are a few books out there that have the same set up where there is something to do on each day of the year, including February 29. Which means you can use this book in any year you want to use it and for any day you want to use the book. There are different things in this book that are useful. It is a really nice book to have a look at.

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