Saturday 10 June 2017

when do you feel most creative?

This post is going to be a quick post, a lot like my other posts.

So what makes me feel most creative? When do I feel it? What about you? When do you feel most creative?

I feel most creative more into the evening and night. I feel more energized to do my posts, gods eyes and so on. To me I feel I can get a lot done in this period of time. I do most of video recording during the day – more natural light. But at times I do record at night. I also read at night so I can finish books, some to record for you and those who just watch my channel.

To get me creative it is helpful ideas, good music and a lit candle and maybe the diffuser going to. Also watching other YouTube videos are helpful as well. Looking into articles of stuff that come to my mind can be helpful into ideas. It can also lead to other ideas to write or talk about. Going to the library and reading books can be helpful to read and record videos. Or to just add information into a writing.

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