Sunday 26 November 2017

“Modern Tarot,” Michelle Tea

The book has an introduction, but no conclusion which for some could be put off if you are one for conclusions. It is the first person written for those who like third person writing. The illustrations are done by Amanda Verway and for myself, I did not really like the imagery. For some readers, they may feel the same and would be put off looking at the images. The content itself in the book is good information. After she talks about the card, there is an exercise(s) relating to the card.
If you have read many tarot books, you may not find the information useful. The information at times is repeated and nothing new is put forth. But I was not engaged in her telling/view of the cards and description of them. She gives examples of situations of how you would be that card – example: Justice, if been a victim of a crime, you probably feel tons of righteous anger. The Justice card recommends to move it into activities that are healing for you and for others.

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