In this one, more is set up as almost equal of information about each arcana and other information. The two sections of the arcana are the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters. The first three go into getting started, like a list of basic decks and spreads like other books. Also, care and keeping your deck and how to take care of yourself as well. The third chapter is about ethics of reading, it is a whole chapter. I have seen this covered in only a paragraph or two but it is something important to talk about. But I am not too sure about a whole chapter. Chapter seven does go into professional reading and about doing it for others and yourself. Chapter eight is a small chapter about when things go wrong. When a person is getting a reading goes a little weird. There is a conclusion, it is not huge it is brief. There is recommended reading. It is easy to get through and is similar to other books if you have read other books.
Mainly reviews but a love for tarot and king Ludwig II. check me out on YouTube: tarotundercandlelite
Saturday, 17 March 2018
Make Space: a minimalist's guide to the good and the extraordinary by Regina Wong
She does give a little information about herself and her road to minimalism. Bringing in the concept and gives examples from her life. It is personable but so personable that you just want her to move to the next concept. I have mixed feelings when it comes to personal stories in books that are tended to inform people, and this book was okay for me. The examples could be related to a number of people. Makes a point that there will be challenges to being more minimal – like those close to you questioning your journey. There are activities placed throughout the book. When there is italics, those are quotes/statements from others. She makes points that there will be challenging and it will be hard, where others may downplay or overlook this part. Also stating that if you live with others it will be a process for them to and need to do it themselves or even resist this change. This book is not how to clean or organize better. It seems research into some of the things written. Not a long book, gets to the point. Not a step by step on how to do it, because everyone's experience with it will be different in the journey of minimalism or with less stuff then they do now.
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Oak Tree
Oak Tree
Quercus species
The oak was sacred to many people,
including the ancient Greeks, the Norse and the Celts. It was often
associated with the gods of thunder as oak was often split by
lightning. This is probably because oaks are often the tallest tree
in any area. More recently oak was the sacred wood burnt by the
druids for their mid-summer sacrifice. In fact the word ‘druid’
means ‘oak man’ In modern history, tradition has it that Charles
II hid in an oak tree at Boscobel when pursued by the Roundheads.
Since then, children wear oak leaves on May 29th to commemorate Royal
Oak Day (now known as Oak Apple Day). Oak is the common name for many
acorn-producing trees and shrubs that are members of the beech, or
Fagaceae, family. Geographic Society and is part of the National
Historic Landmark district of Hampton University. Although it is
rarely reached, the symbol of an 80th wedding anniversary is oak. In
Britain, an oak tree image is engraved in a six pence coin. It is one
of the oldest Britain’s coins. Oak branches are displayed on some
German coins, both of the former Deutsche Mark and the current Euro
currency. The Royal Oak is the third most common pub name in Britain.
Oak trees are classified as members of the genus Quercus, a Latin
word said to be derived from a Celtic word meaning "fine tree."
They thrive across the Northern Hemisphere in China, Japan, Europe,
the British Isles, and in all of the continental United States except
for Alaska. More than half of the 600 species are native to North
America. About 60 varieties grow north of Mexico. In the forests of
northern areas that have short summer growing seasons and long
winters, such as Canada, northern Europe, and Siberia, varieties of
oak are very scarce.
Also called Common Oak or English Oak,
the Oak is the largest of our native broad-leaved trees, regarded as
“the King of the forest”, Oaks are sturdy and tall with domed
crowns. The broad rounded canopy has wide spreading thick lower
branches. There are two native Oaks in Wyre, the other being the
Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea). Both have the different
characteristics of leaves and acorns.
Oaks then produce a new flush of
leaves, especially on young trees, and this phenomenon is called
lammas growth, because it occurs around the time of Lammas, the
Celtic festival of first fruits, on 1st August. In autumn, the leaves
turn various shades of yellow and brown, as chlorophyll is withdrawn
from them and carotenoid pigments become visible instead. In some
areas, the leaves are shed at the end of October, but in milder areas
a few leaves will stay on the trees until December.
Oak trees can be found around the
world across a large variety of terrestrial biomes. There are more
than 80 species of oak in North America. Oaks can grow over 40m high
and over 3m in diameter. Often 1000 years old. White and red oaks
need slightly acidic, well drained soil to access their nutrients.
Subterranean mycorrhizal fungi found along the roots of many plants,
help oaks to take necessary nutrients from the soil. Oaks need full
sun. The leaves have large deep lobes and smooth edges. There are two
tiny lobes where the leaf joins the stalk. They are dark green,
turning orangy-brown in autumn. The leaf stalk is short. The greyish
bark has very knobbly ridges and deep fissures.
Oak timber is strong, elastic and
durable. The heartwood resists penetration by liquids, making it
ideal for posts in contact with the ground. The timber is best once
the tree has reached about 150-200 years old. It has conspicuous
growth rings which give a characteristic silver grain when
quarter-cut or split. It is ideal for making furniture, barrels,
railroad ties, and in the past, ships.
The tannin in oak bark is used in
leather preparation. Cork is made from the bark of some species that
grow only in Spain and Portugal. Recent advances in molecular
genetics have shown that DNA from samples of oak can be isolated and
analyzed. This type of analysis has a variety of potential
applications in archaeology and forensic investigations. Oak used to
make wine barrels has been found to increase the antioxidant activity
of wines aged in the barrels as well as adding a distinctive aroma to
the wine.
One teaspoonful of pulverized oak bark
powder can be added to 1 cup of water, boiled, and then simmered at a
reduced heat for 15 minutes to make an oak bark tea. This tea can be
taken internally as an intestinal astringent up to three times per
day. Oak bark is also available in both an extract and a tincture.
For rinses, compresses, and gargles, 20 g of pulverized bark should
be dissolved in 1 qt (1 L) of water, and prepared in the same manner
as the tea. Oak bark is also available as snuff, tablets, and
Oak bark should not be used externally
over large areas of skin damage or used as a full bath. Oak bark for
gargles, enemas, or douches should not be used for more than two
weeks before consulting a doctor. A doctor should also be consulted
for any episode of diarrhea that lasts longer than three days despite
treatment with oak bark. No side effects have been reported when oak
preparations are used at recommended dosage levels. Patients
occasionally experience mild stomach upset or constipation if the
dosage is exceeded. Oak bark preparations are believed to inhibit or
reduce the absorption of such alkaline drugs as antacids. In
addition, oak bark has been found to reduce the effectiveness of
codeine and atropine.
Oaks are deciduous species and most
drop their leaves each fall. The age of first reproduction varies
with geographic and local position, tree density, and life span. In
order to reproduce, oaks are wind pollinated. Growth of male flowers
begins in the spring, they develop in the summer, and produce pollen
the following spring. Female flowers develop in late winter or early
spring. Acorns, the result of pollination, mature 3 months after
fertilization. Birds and mammals are the major predators of acorns,
but they also move acorns around.
Acorn survival to adulthood depends
upon their movement. Small mammals that store acorns can disperse
acorns short distances (mice) or greater distances (chipmunks and
squirrels). Larger animals and birds tend to destroy the acorns. Some
birds that utilize acorns only eat them and others store them above
ground (leaving them to be consumed by other predators). Only birds
such as jays, who store acorns below ground and “space hoard” –
spreading their stash across space, actually facilitate the dispersal
of acorns.
Acorns are a source of food for
rodents, deer, birds, and other wildlife. Birds feed on leaf buds.
Deer also feed on leaves and twigs while the tree is young.
Invertebrates feed on the leaves or on other invertebrates. In
particular, adult moths lay eggs on oak leaves. When the caterpillars
hatch, they consume the leaves. Some insects cause the tree to
produce “galls” outgrowths of the bark, in which the larvae will
develop. Other insects, such as beetles, weevils, and spiders can
also be found. Fungus and lichens can also grow on oaks.
350 different species of insect are
supported by Oak. A single oak tree may have over 30 different lichen
species on its bark. Huge numbers of creatures seek food and shelter
in crevices of the bark, in the canopy of fresh leaves, hollow trunks
of old trees, leaf litter and branches of dead wood and rotting wood
on the forest floor.
Red Oak
Each species of red oak behaves more or
less the same, taking 2 years to mature their acorns
- Key identification: Leaves have
pointed lobes.
- Red oak species in Southern Ontario
include Pin oaks, Black oaks, and Northern Red Oaks.
- Trees produce acorns every 3 to 5
- Forecast in the last week of June to
the first week of July.
- Look at the tips of branches at the ‘drip line’ of the tree (the edge of the crown). Look for green acorns that are starting to come out of the caps. Binoculars will be helpful. Since red oaks take two years to grow their acorns, you may also see smaller bumps that look like scaly balls. These are the beginnings of next year’s acorns, most closely resembling the cap of the acorn. They will be round with no acorn visible.
White Oak
White oak species produce mature acorns
in one year.
-Key identification: Leaves have round
-White oak species in Southern Ontario
include Bur oak, Swamp oak, and English oak (introduced).
-Trees produce acorns every 4 to 10
-Forecast in the last week of July.
- Look for acorns at the tips of branches at the drip line. The acorns will be very small and green. Binoculars will be helpful.
Sessile Oak - Quercus petraea
Regarded as “the King of the
forest,” Sessile Oaks have straighter branches than the Pedunculate
Oak, radiating from a more upright trunk. Sessile and Pedunculate
Oaks often hybridise and their ranges overlap. In Wyre you may find
leaves with rounded lobes at the base with a long stalk, for example.
Oaks can grow over 40m high and over 3m in diameter. Oaks often reach
an age of 300 years old.
British people have always loved the
Oak. Its great size, low branches and hollows in the trunk mean it
was used as a natural tree house, hiding place and social centre.
Robin Hood was said to have lived in the Major Oak in Sherwood
Forest. Kings and Queens have hosted many a social event around a big
old Oak. Oak trees were often landmarks and are still found in many
place names such as Sevenoaks in Kent, England. The Gaelic word for
Oak is “dairoch” and is seen place names in Scotland such as
“Craigendairoch” or “Clasindairoch”. The Welsh word “der”
can be seen in place names like Derwen and Deri. In Irish “doire”
means oakwood.
The Sessile Oak is widespread,
particularly in North and West Britain, including the Wyre Forest.
The acorn is the ripened fruit or seed of the tree. It looks like an
egg in a cup. Unlike the Pedunculate oak, the acorn of a Sessile oak
has almost no stalk. The wavy dark green lobed leaves are very
distinctive with their long (1-2cm) yellow stalks. The leaf bases do
not have rounded lobes at the base, but are wedge shaped. The Greyish
bark has very fine vertical cracks and ridges forming shapes called
Oak - associated fungi and lichens
Chlorociboria aeuruginacens - A
saprophytic fungus common in The Wyre on dead oak branches.
efsteak fungus - Fistulina hepatica -
This parasitic fungus attacks Oak and can give a deep brown colour to
the timber, enhancing its market value.
Bulgaria inquinans - A saprophytic
fungus common in The Wyre on dead oak branches
Bryophytes - are the group of
non-flowering plants which include mosses and liverworts, and 65
species grow on the trunks and branches of oaks.
Lichens - A remarkable diversity of
lichens, totalling over 300 species, have been recorded growing on
Oak apples and other galls - grow
around the eggs of insects laid in the buds. Over 40 species,
including midges, mites and wasps, are responsible for stimulating
the oak to produce these unusual growth forms on its leaves or twigs,
within which the larva of the insect lives and feeds.
Great Oak Beauty Moth - Hypomecis
roboraria - A large but well camouflaged moth whose caterpillars
resemble a twig when at rest, and feed on oak leaves.
Purple Hairstreak - The purple
hairstreak (Neozephyrus quercus) is the only butterfly whose larvae
feed exclusively on oak leaves.
Wood Ant - The ants climb to the top of
the tree to find the aphids which they then “milk” by stroking
them until they ooze sweet, sticky honeydew.
There is a lot of competition for the
acorns of the Oak tree. Here are the main suspects to look out for.
Grey Squirrel - They peel the acorns
first then bury them to store for winter food.
Saturday, 3 March 2018
Slave, Warrior, Queen Morgan Rice
The first of a series by Morgan Rice. I got this from Kobo for free – at the time of reading and for a few months after. It starts with Ceres the main character for the book and series. She is settled in Delos, book starting with the Festival of the Killings. We meet her brothers and friend/somewhat love interest. The conflict/first conflict point starts when the Emperor's soldiers take her, in which she defends herself. At the same time we learn that her father is bladesmith and has taught her, he has left for a better job elsewhere and that her mom and she are not on good terms – her mom not fully loving towards her. She has found a few ways to keep herself alive/surviving in terms that she wants. When she accepts to be a weapon keeper, a whole new set of problems arise for her and another woman feeling threatened by her. While all this is going on and what has gotten her in this mess is the Revolution against the Empire. After lives lost and heartbreak Ceres becomes a fighter in the Killings which would lead into the second book.
The Witch's Cauldron Laura Tempest Zakroff
Off the bat this book is informative. And is part of a series from Llewellyn. You do not need to read or purchase all in the series. I have this one and the one that was written on the broom. It talks about a few different things to start off with like defining a cauldron, basics, and nine uses for it (container and maker). It is not a few lines of information and then a lot of personal information – it is full of information. There is also talks of cauldrons you can go see in the world – at museums mainly in Europe. As well it talks about cauldrons of Ceridewn, Baba Yaga and others – information, story, symbolism and consideration. A good part is about different styles and material of cauldrons so you know what may be right for you. From making your own to purchasing one. But it also talks about reusing products (like a plate for candles and offerings, saucepans and other items) to be use as a cauldron. There is other information surrounding it like decor at sabbats, taking care and safety of a cauldron. Then there is cauldron magic – and a not from the author's husband, a piece of advice 1 take care of yourself 2 take care of others and 3 don't be a jerk. Near the end there is recommended readings and resources.
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