Saturday, 3 March 2018

Slave, Warrior, Queen Morgan Rice

The first of a series by Morgan Rice. I got this from Kobo for free – at the time of reading and for a few months after. It starts with Ceres the main character for the book and series. She is settled in Delos, book starting with the Festival of the Killings. We meet her brothers and friend/somewhat love interest. The conflict/first conflict point starts when the Emperor's soldiers take her, in which she defends herself. At the same time we learn that her father is bladesmith and has taught her, he has left for a better job elsewhere and that her mom and she are not on good terms – her mom not fully loving towards her. She has found a few ways to keep herself alive/surviving in terms that she wants. When she accepts to be a weapon keeper, a whole new set of problems arise for her and another woman feeling threatened by her. While all this is going on and what has gotten her in this mess is the Revolution against the Empire. After lives lost and heartbreak Ceres becomes a fighter in the Killings which would lead into the second book.

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