Thursday, 23 February 2017

pagannew age sites

Here are some sites that I have collected. If you find/want any on this list, ask and I will look at it and put it under the right heading.




stores/ online businesses: ships only within the US



for the little ones/parent sites:





fairy gardens:

God's Eye

This is a collection of information I have gathered from sources I could actually information from and not just instructions on how to make them.

Names: God's Eye, Brighid's Eye, the eye of Brighid, Ojo de Dios

The eye of Brighid is made with two sticks that are the same length and tying them together to make a cross. The Eye of Brighid can be woven with many colours of yarn and then hung on the wall or door for a protective house blessing.i The God's Eye, or sikuli, is a special type of nierika that is also called a Huichol cross. It is from the Huichol tribe (in their language: wixárikas/wixáricas), an indigenous group that lives in central Western Mexico in the Sierra Madre Occidental, many in Jalisco. Their best-known traditional religious offerings, nierika (nearika), are small diamonds or circles that have threads of yarn pressed into them.ii
Early anthropologists gave them the name in English and Spanish, noting that nierika comes from the Huichol verb nieriya, “to see”. Viewed as a talisman and placed in religious shrines and other sacred places, the sikuli came to be called the ojo de Dios.” Ojo de Dios (eye of God), according “to Castilian Spanish, it is pronounced "oh-ho-day-Dee-ohs" (the "j" is silent or sometimes has a light "h" sound).iiiivThe spiritual purpose of the God's Eye is to protect children in the first years of their lives. When a Huichol child is born, parents create the central part of a God’s Eye by tying together the two sticks into a cross. As the child grows, the parent adds another colour each year to the age of five. Considered a protective amulet, the resulting God’s Eye is then treasured throughout the person’s life and may be used in rituals and traditional medicine. The colours parents used to make it have different meanings, just as the points of the God's Eye represent the elements and the cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West).v The colours used have different meanings: red - life itself; yellow - sun moon and stars; blue - sky and water; brown - soil; green - plants; black – The center of the eye stood for the power of seeing and understanding things we normally cannot see.vii The Huichol also made these God's Eyes to be placed on altars so that their gods would protect and watch over those who prayed at the altars. To help the god see better, Huichol people wove a pupil of black yarn or a mirrored disk in to the god's eye. Where the sticks crossed, they left an opening that allowed shamans (religious leaders who were believed to have powers of healing) and gods to travel easily between the spirit and earth worlds.viii The God's Eye is a symbol of the power of seeing and understanding unseen things. God's Eyes were also important to Aymara Indians in what is now Bolivia, South America. Native American tribes in the southwestern region of the United States also adopted this object and its spiritual customs. The Navajo are known for their eight-sided Ojos de Dios.
Today, Christians throughout the world have popularized this craft as a symbol for God. When making a traditional God's Eye, the person making it is expressing a prayer that the “Eye of God” will watch over them or the person that is is being made for. It is also a physical representation of praying for health, fortune, and a long life. To some Christians, it means a prayer for "May the eye of God be upon you."ixx The God’s eye is a house blessing common to both Ireland and Mexico. The cross formation like other crosses, the horizontal piece represents the relationship and interaction with the world around. The other direction of the cross, the vertical piece that holds up the horizontal piece, represents a person's relationship with God, the Divine in our life. Many people see the horizontal beam of the cross as a symbol representing our relationship with the world and other people. They see the vertical beam of the cross as a symbol of their relationship with God. To maintain a balance in both beams, is the cross.xi
iPg 91, “The Wiccan Year: spells, rituals, holiday celebrations,” Judy Ann Nock, Provenance Press, 2007
ii“What Are Los Ojos De Dios or God’s Eyes?”March 24, 2015 by Marcela Hede
iv“Ojo de Dios,”
v“What Are Los Ojos De Dios or God’s Eyes?”March 24, 2015 by Marcela Hede
viGod's eye
vii“Ojo de Dios,”
viii godseye.pdf Oklahoma Historical Society
xGod's eye
xiGod's Eyes: A Craft and Prayer Activity for Lent, by Jeanne Heiberg Source: CATECHIST Magazine, March 2010 Copyright 2010, Peter Li, Inc.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Sabbat Cooking

Stacy Evans, Wyrdwood Publications, Canada, 2014

This is available (on kobo) individually so you can choose which sabbat or sabbats that you want or buy the version I did and buy the all in one version. All together, according to the title if your get the combined version, there is 279 recipes. For each sabbat there is a little bit of information when introduced and an index of up to thirty four/thirty five recipes (appetizers, sides, main dishes and soups, and desserts. and there is not cross over of recipes. At the end there is a section about magickal properties of the ingredients. she gives one to three words for herbs. so it really isn't much of ingredients than of basic herbs one may have in their cupboard. it is a good book because it is straight to the recipes and gives the reader some options about what to make for the sabbat.