Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Energy: Male
Colors: Yellow
Used for: To obtain knowledge, learn
swiftly, gain insight into problems, intelligence, memory, attraction, success,
drawing, communicating, studying/study, clear thinking, decision making, charm,
burnt for those who have passed away, persuasion. Yellow represents all
institutions of learning, particularly upper level studies such as sciences.
Logical imagination, to accelerate learning, activity, creativity, unity;
brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where
you wish to gain anothers confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that
require solar energy. Alters dark mental mood swings, enhances knowledge of
healing, ability to concentrate, retention of memory. Yellow attracts people,
as it has a warm compelling energy.
In healing for successful treatment, clears away depression,
draws happiness, confidence.
A stimulating and uplifting colour that is the colour of
creativity; confidence; movement and energy. Connects to clairvoyance,
divination, wisdom, learning; inspiration as well as the power of concentration
and communication. Used in healing skin conditions as well as stomach
complaints and menstrual cramps.
A sunny, positive disposition with spiritual attuning to
the healing forces of the male energy. the Element of Air.