Wednesday, 30 November 2016

green living sites S - Z

These sites are eco/green living or self sustaining/sufficient sites that are a business and/or living site. Hope you find a few that relate to you and use. I am not affiliated with any of these sites, I just gathered them to give you a resource of site that are out there.









Wednesday, 23 November 2016

green living sites J - R

These sites are eco/green living or self sustaining/sufficient sites that are a business and/or living site. Hope you find a few that relate to you and use. I am not affiliated with any of these sites, I just gathered them to give you a resource of site that are out there.










Sunday, 20 November 2016

green living sites A - I

These sites are eco/green living or self sustaining/sufficient sites that are a business and/or living site. Hope you find a few that relate to you and use. I am not affiliated with any of these sites, I just gathered them to give you a resource of site that are out there.










Friday, 11 November 2016

Early Bird or Night Owl?

I have been looking for journal prompts recently because I want to get into writing in a journal, and one of the pdfs that I found was more of blog prompts than journal entries. I somewhat looked over these but one was one that I wanted to do a blog post on: early bird or night owl?

As I am writing this, it is 10:15pm and watching a program called art of war. My mind seems to wake up and thinking weird things, remember what I forgot and what I want to do the next day or plan for the week or whatever. Yet if I need to go out and get things done, I want to get out as early as possible and get it done and go home. In the evening and at night, that is when I get things like this post, reading and other work. I feel more awake at night than I do in the morning. I feel more productive, even when i fall into playing a game on facebook. Also, I feel things fall more into place at night, I am alone – as one can by the amount of “I's” in this document.

The sunset awhile ago, but I always find it beautiful and more of a starting point. One would think that of the sunrise, yes but more for work or to get the stuff I want to get done – going out wise out of the way. At night I can really embrace that I am a person that gets stuff done at night. I am not one to go out and have fun at night, it really it not me. I would rather read fanfiction and work on videos – though some are filmed during the day, natural light and all.

Are you a night owl or early bird?

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Candle Colour - Yellow

Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Energy: Male
Colors: Yellow
Used for: To obtain knowledge, learn swiftly, gain insight into problems, intelligence, memory, attraction, success, drawing, communicating, studying/study, clear thinking, decision making, charm, burnt for those who have passed away, persuasion. Yellow represents all institutions of learning, particularly upper level studies such as sciences. Logical imagination, to accelerate learning, activity, creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain anothers confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy. Alters dark mental mood swings, enhances knowledge of healing, ability to concentrate, retention of memory. Yellow attracts people, as it has a warm compelling energy.

In healing for successful treatment, clears away depression, draws happiness, confidence.

A stimulating and uplifting colour that is the colour of creativity; confidence; movement and energy. Connects to clairvoyance, divination, wisdom, learning; inspiration as well as the power of concentration and communication. Used in healing skin conditions as well as stomach complaints and menstrual cramps.

A sunny, positive disposition with spiritual attuning to the healing forces of the male energy. the Element of Air.