Moon (tan browns), Venus (all), Saturn (dark browns)Day:
Monday/ Friday/ Saturday Colors:
Browns, earth tones Used For:
Spells to locate lost objects and improve powers of
concentration and telepathy, protection of the familiars and
household pets, ground and center your conciseness with the earth, to
attune with trees and communicate with their intelligence, (to
influence) friendships, (special) favours. The home (ex peace in the
home), to attract the power of the cosmic influences, balanced
colour, herb magic, neutrality.
For rituals of material increase;
eliminates indecisiveness; study; increases financial success;
stability, fertility, thrift, work, control, conquering, success in
business, grounding, long term achievements, growth, determination,
planting, spells that involve animals, friendship, hesitation,
To help bones, teeth, recuperation from
chronic illness.
North direction. Earth energy, like
black it represents Earth, also soil, trees bark and herbs, feminine
in nature. Brown is one of the more complex colors, with
varied associations.
It can be associated with
Saturn for long term gains and family heritage.
Dark Brown - Invoking Earth for
Pale Brown - Material benefits in the home
Pale Brown - Material benefits in the home
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