Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Happiness Hacks – Alex Palmer

Researched and information quotes at the beginning of chapters – just happy related quotes. Sidenotes of people with information and help. Shows different things to do to be happy. Knows that not everyone has the same things that make them happy. Talks about different aspects of your life like work or love. Sum up after many hacks (one or two sentences). Does have a chapter called 'the downside of happiness.' there can be side effects or risky behaviors. A section that goes chapter by chapter that tells you about article/journal, site the author got information from.
Nice book, but not my top book. But can get some information out of it.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Stephanie Tourles's Essential Oils A Beginner's Guide By Stephanie Tourles

This book is more of an essential oil 101/introduction. Any side information/extra information is in purple boxes. It does seem researched well and is not brand specific. She has a section called “the top 11 essentials” - the essential oil, botanical name, information and a few recipes. It then goes to other essential oils – same go through as the other oils. The 'essential' home apothecary talks about bases, carrier oils, blending, and storage. There are sections of resources and recommended reading. It is more of a general, beginner book. But it does go through the oils people will come into contact with. And if you want more recipes than she put in – the internet then comes into play.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

The Simplicity of Cozy - Melissa Alvarez

There is a total of eight chapters and lists the exercises at the beginnings – two per chapter. She talks about different cultural ideals of cozy (would give their word for it) like hygge and gemΓΌlichkeit. Not a long explanation for them but states them. She goes through the energy of coziness and makes own place for cozy. The cozy lifestyle – to cherish more, self-care and work/life balance. And goes into embracing silence and being aware of now. Also, she goes into spiritual and self-growth. Different things to do in your life and aspects of yourself and your world.
I found it to be a pretty good book overall. But there was one line in the book that I found odd and questioned it. I go further in my review video, but it was along the lines if you were someone who enjoyed a certain subject (history – check out the video to hear the sentence), you could not enjoy or grasp the concept she was pointing out. And I found it odd because I was part of the first sentence and like the thing, she said I would not enjoy. I think I am not alone in that aspect.

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Travel Munich & Bavaria, Germany - MobileReference

This book is really informative – there are a little history and helpful information around the city. As an ebook links to other resources (websites) unable to fit into an ebook. Has an image of a map of Munich S-Bahn and U-Bahn and table of day tickets. There is also a section of a three-day itinerary in Munich, tours, markets/buys/shopping and weekly markets. A culture section tells of places and things to see. It also goes through attractions, sports, churches, and parks. Focused more on Munich than other places in Bavaria – some places outside of Munich is mentioned. Locations have what Bahn or bus number to get off of/close by. Uses German name with the English name in parenthesis. There is a section of road safety and rules and a phrasebook. It is a good addition if you are just looking to stay within Munich.

Friday, 22 June 2018

The Business of Writing – Kim Iverson Headlee

The books deal with these parts – organizing, packaging, presenting, marketing, the end... or is it? And then there is an appendix. It talks about the business/legal side of writing. Things you could or partially claim in taxes. Kim also covers many different things within the book like publications, e-trail/ebooks, launch, copyright, social media, touring, and more. Gives resources to help with different areas talked about in the book – articles, sites, and apps. States the good and bad of the business.
Is a good book on the next step for those who are done writing and the world of what could happen when you start publishing it.

Your First Novel

Ann Rittenberg and Laura Whitecomb with Camille Goldin

Divided into two parts, each done by one of the authors. So you are not trying to figure out who wrote what throughout the book. First is publishing by Ann and then writing by Laura. You would think it would be the other way around but they did it like that but it worked. There does have exercises in the book and has recommended reading. These can be helpful, can be used after reading the book. There is helpful information – using left and right brain situations, writing environment and doing research. They do talk about different types of books, points of view, structure and plot – since these things are different from what people write and the similarities they can have. But they do not go fully in depth about these topics. Other books and quotes are used as examples in the book to be used as an aid. It goes through the writing process and the publishing process. States that it will be heard, not everyone will have a lucky break. Resources are not put all together at the end so you would have to go through the book again to see a site or book resource.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Shadows of Wychering - Michael wigington

Young Adult Fiction

the story follows Lady Ameline Harsent in this fantasy novella set in the Corvarix Age. Ameline, Jaime and Morgan journey together to Wychering.  The night took Adien's daughter – red-eyed demons. Believing that there is magick at Wychering – why Ameline and Morgan are there to help with the dark magic. Ameline has Morgan help her to sense the magic. As troubles com their way in the forest, Ameline meets Frigga who helps her. She comes out surviving and a sort of happy ending that is for the story.

            It is okay, a decent read. If you like fantasy in the more young adult way – this could be a read for you. This is not a blow my mind kind of book or top of the list but is a read if in between books.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Plant-Powered Beauty

Amy Galpar, Christine Daigneault

The essential guide to using natural ingredients for health, wellness, and personal skincare with 50-plus-recipes

Part one covers natural beauty basics like labels, natural same as organic?, how skin works, etc. Part two covers the recipes like facial, hair, body and others. Has good information explained in a way that any reader can get without a science degree but not like you are five. The book does not go overboard with information. The sidenotes are where they put beauty tips – in both sections. There are a few charts about essential oils, carrier oils, butters and others. The recipes are set up like other recipes, some to most having additional information – relating to the product or ingredients, some personal. Beauty tips is how to use the product and other tips. Has resources for beauty blending ingredients (sites categorized). There is some notes, glossary, index and recipe index. It is nice that they out in two different indexes because if one wants a certain recipe the reader does not have to flip around in the first index if not wanting to.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Modern Guide to Energy Clearing - Barbara Moore

            This is a Llewellyn publication. It has three parts to it – chapters within each part. The parts are: spiritual and energetic well-being, personal care, and your environment. There is also two appendices – a sampling of blessings and serving the old mother. She goes through six terms that have a part throughout the book – energy and vibration being two. In the book at different points are 'taking note' exercises like journaling or seeing which clearing techniques are best for you. She goes through the different energy clearing techniques – talks about each one, even ones she has not used herself. But it is nice she includes ones she has not worked with or not really use for one reason or another. There are other topics as well like shadow work and curiosity talked about, not just clearing. Because it takes different things to do clearing.

            It is a nice book and for those who want a look at different techniques and not specific ones. This book can be an introduction to something that may work for you or not without putting to much time or money in one that does not work.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Labyrinth - Tony Christie

This is a Llewellyn publication. Tony has stated to work with labyrinths for years. It looks at the labyrinth in all its active form. The book is composed of three parts: knowledge, experience and reflection. It goes into the two main types of labyrinths – the classical and chartres labyrinths. There is a few different excercises throughout. Te book is very informative and jammed packed with information. It does have a section talking about chakras and labyrinths. There is a reflection at the end of each chapter. He goes into different topics like Mithraic, alchemy, the four elements and more. Not a total beginner 101 book, only because there is so much information some may not fully wrap their head around it the first read, or first few reads.

            States the labyrinth can represent one or more journey all at once. For readers who want to bring labyrinths more  into their practice/life. Many aspects brought in to connect to labyrinths. This book like said earlier is jammed with information and a good resources for readers who enjoy the topic of labyrinths.

Saturday, 16 June 2018

101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties

Paul Angone

This is a second book of these types of questions by the author. Some questions/answers are less than a page and others are a few pages long. Some have excerises – like listing a number of items according to the question. He gives some historical/factorial information. The book is quick and to the point advice. Some of list type points. Some pages will just be a blank page with a quote from the book. The questions are not completely serious, but questions many may ask. Removable lists of all the questions by category – four types outlined in the table of contents. There is no conclusion just goes straight to the removable sheets.