read celtic myths about Brigid
colour pictures of springtime
feed the snow birds
play in the snow and enjoy the last of winter
bless your animals
start some seeds indoors
Imbolc is celebrated with symbolic new beginnings and
sweeping out of the old. Many like to have self-dedication rituals and
reinitiations at this time. Traditional activities are making candles, lighting
a candle in a window and burning it until morning, using candles in magic and
divination, doing a "spring cleaning" of the house, blessing seeds
that are hoped to produce good plants for food and other things, re-stocking
the magickal cabinet, and going out looking for signs of spring, collecting
pebbles and other natural trinkets. Some people like to put a wheel symbol on
their altar at this time of the year.
During this time of growth and renewal, some rituals or
activities you may want to take part in include nature walks to view the first
buds of spring, even if snow is beneath your feet. Lighting a bonfire or candle
to symbolize the fire aspect of Brigid is another way to celebrate. Yellow,
orange and red are all luminous colors that should surround you at this time,
either in your home, clothing, or general surroundings. Pumpkin seeds,
sunflower seeds or any other seed that tickles your taste buds are the perfect
snack for Imbolc. Dairy products are an obvious food for this Sabbat, either in
a glass of milk to accompany your Poppy seed cake or muffin, or for those with
less of a sweet tooth, in cheeses.
If you used real pine for the Yule wreath, burn them to send
winter on its way.
On Imbolg eve, leave buttered bread indoors somewhere for the fairies who traveled with the Lady of the Greenwood. Next day place it outside.
Place 3 ears of corn on the door (like the corn in the Fall) to represent the triple Goddess. Leave until Ostara.
Cleanse the altar and all its equipment.
Make dream pillows
On Imbolg eve, leave buttered bread indoors somewhere for the fairies who traveled with the Lady of the Greenwood. Next day place it outside.
Place 3 ears of corn on the door (like the corn in the Fall) to represent the triple Goddess. Leave until Ostara.
Cleanse the altar and all its equipment.
Make dream pillows
Cook some Pudding
A really easy dish to cook up with children, though, is
pudding. If your child is very young, you can even use the instant no-cook
puddings available in the supermarket. Just have your child whisk in the milk.
To make an extra light pudding treat, decrease the milk by
half. When the pudding sets, fold in whippped cream. You can spoon it into
fancy glasses with layers of jam or macerated fruit, or you can slice fruit
into a graham cracker crust and top it with the pudding filling for a pie.
I personally like a lemon pudding with raspberries, or a
white chocolate pudding with strawberries. Slice bananas into a pie crust and
top it with vanilla pudding for a delicious banana cream pie (drizzle some
melted chocolate on top of it). Pistachio pudding also goes lovely in a cup
with diced bananas. There are so many different flavors, you can come up with
great combinations that can become part of your traditional holiday meal.
If you're going to a ritual with a potluck, pudding pies are
always a hit.
Decorate Candles
Decorating candles is always an appropriate activity for a
Pagan holiday, but it is especially meaningful on Imbolc, also known as the
'Feast of Waxing Light'. It's the time of the year when the light that has been
growing since Yule is becoming noticeably longer each day. One way some Pagans
celebrate that is to light all the lights and candles they can to really
brighten the house-- even if only for a few minutes. If you have Pagan friends
or family, you might even wish to decorate and bless that candles at your own
altar, then give them away as little Imbolc gifts.
Either way, a beautiful, seasonally decorated candle on your
altar is a lovely sight on the eve of the Sabbat.
Glass pillar candles are safe and easy to decorate. Have children use glitter glue or paint pens on the outside of the glass to draw sun or fire signs, blessing symbols or whatever decorations they prefer.
Another way to decorate a glass pillar candle is to cut and
glue colorful wrapping tissue paper with Elmer's glue to the outside of the
You can paint directly on candle wax with acrylic craft
paints or glitter glue, or you can use a butter knife or old pen that's out of
ink to scratch symbols directly into the wax.
Finally, another option is to brush a candle (not in glass-
directly on the wax) with glue and roll it in dried herbs and spices. Not only
do these look very rustic and grungy, but they smell so good when you burn
Just remember-- supervise children when decorating and when
burning candles!
Make Ice Candles
Ice candles are a lot of fun and easy to make during the
winter months. Since February is traditionally a snow-filled time, at least in
the northern hemisphere, why not make some ice candles to celebrate Imbolc, which
is a day of candles and light?
You'll need the following:
Paraffin wax
Color and scent (optional)
A taper candle
A cardboard container, like a milk carton
A double boiler, or two pans
Melt the paraffin wax in the double boiler.
Make sure that the wax is never placed directly over the
heat, or you could end up with a fire. While the wax is melting, you can
prepare your candle mold. If you want to add color or scent to your candle,
this is the time to add it to the melted wax.
Place the taper candle into the center of the cardboard
carton. Fill the carton with ice, packing them loosely in around the taper
candle. Use small chunks of ice—if they're too large, your candle will be
nothing but big holes.
Once the wax has melted completely, pour it into the
container carefully, making sure that it goes around the ice evenly. As the hot
wax pours in, it will melt the ice, leaving small holes in the candle. Allow
the candle to cool, and then poke a hole in the bottom of the cardboard carton
so the melted water can drain out (it's a good idea to do this over a sink).
Let the candle sit overnight so the wax can harden completely, and in the
morning, peel back all of the cardboard container. You'll have a complete ice
candle, which you can use in ritual or for decoration.
Make Soap
This sabbat is traditionally associated with cleansing and
purification. What could be more in line with cleansing and purification than
Home-made soap is easier to make than you think. You don't
have to make soap from scratch. You can grate a bar of pure soap (like Ivory,
or Castile soap) in a glass bowl in the microwave. Just put it in at 30 second
intervals. After each interval, stir. You'll know it's done when it's melted
and chunk-free-- but don't over-heat it.
Stir in your own additives to the soap. You can even bless
and charge the additives if you wish, first, to give them an extra boost.
If you want to make the soap exfoliating, add some oatmeal
or ground almonds. If you have shea butter or cocoa butter, add a spoonful for
moisturizer. Add ground herbs such as lavender, thyme, rosemary, rose hips or
raspberry leaves. If you wish, you can scent it and lend it additional energies
with a few drops of essential oils.
Once you're finished, pour the soap into molds. You can use
store-bought plastic molds, but I really like to recycle my old tuna cans. I
spread petroleum jelly in the can to prevent sticking, and pour the soap into
it. The finished product comes out nice and round.
It can take a couple of days for the soap to fully harden,
and it may take a few more days to fully cure the soap depending on how thick
you make it. But it's a wonderful treat to wake up to Imbolc morning and purify
yourself with your own Imbolc soap-- and that soap will remind you of the
holiday and its blessing for as long as you use it. And, once again, if you're
looking for Imbolc gifts for loved ones, this is a great option.
I like this a lot better than using store-bought soaps,
because it's made to be melted and repoured it's much smoother. I also like it
better than the glycerine-based melt-and-pour soap bases; much more natural and
creamy feeling.
Make Your Own Fire Starters
Brighid is a goddess of fire, but let's face it—sometimes
getting a fire lit on a chilly, windy winter evening can be tricky. Put
together a batch of simple fire starters to keep on hand, and you'll be able to
get a blaze going at any time!
A cardboard egg carton
Drier lint
Paraffin wax
Heat the paraffin wax in a double boiler. While it is
melting, roll the drier lint into balls and stuff it into the cups of the
cardboard egg carton. Squash it down so that you still have cardboard above the
top of the lint ball. Pour the melted paraffin wax over the top of the
lint-filled cardboard pockets. Allow to cool and harden. Cut the egg carton
into separate cups, giving you twelve fire starters. When it's time to start your
fire, simply light one corner of a cardboard cup. The paraffin and lint will
catch fire, and burn long enough to get your kindling going.
For another popular method - one that will seem familiar if
you've had a kid involved in scouting - use a flat, short can, like a tuna can.
Take a long strip of cardboard about an inch wide, and roll
it into a spiral and then place it inside the can. Pour melted paraffin over
it, and once it cools and hardens, you've got an easy-to-transport fire starter
that you can take with you anywhere.
Bless the Hearth
Imbolc is a fire festival, and the hearth has long been the
focus of the season. If you're lucky enough to have a fireplace, you may wish
to make a small altar on the mantle or above the fireplace dedicated to your
hearth Goddess or household guardian spirits that oversee domestic issues. If
you don't have a fireplace, consider your stove a modern form of a hearth. It
saves the same purpose.
Make a mixture of olive oil and other essential oils and use
it to bless and consecrate the hearth. Dip your fingers into it and draw
symbols of blessing on the hearth stone or oven.
You may also wish to make a charm or talisman to bring
blessings to your home and hang it above the stove, or place it on your mantle.
It doesn't have to be large, and it doesn't even have to be conspicuous if
you're trying to protect your beliefs from nosy neighbors or judgmental family
members. A refrigerator magnet with a Sun image-- the ultimate fire symbol--
would serve the purpose, and no one would be the wiser as to the Pagan meaning
behind it.
Traditionally this time of year was to honor the Celtic
Goddess Brighid, a Goddess of fire and poetry. If you have a St. Brighid's
cross, you might bless it and hang it over the heart. It's a good time to honor
any hearth Goddess, though, such as Hestia or Vesta.If you have or want to make
a small plaque in their honor to hang above the stove or place on a nearby
shelf, do so. An easy way to do this is to buy chip wood figures at the craft
store and paint them.
a popular tradition in modern Paganism is to light a candle
at the hearth (this can just be the kitchen!) and carry it all throughout the
home, blessing the space as you go. This can be done with incense or an LED
candle as well if your children aren’t quite big enough to be carrying a lit
candle about. Welcome in the Goddess Brighid or whatever hearth or family deity
you honor to give your family strength and protection in the coming year.
Smudge your home
If Imbolc is a time of renewal and cleansing, then now is the time to smoke out any funky energy left over from the holidays. That fight Uncle Earl started over the last piece of pumpkin pie? Your drunk sister deciding New Year's Eve was the time for a vodka-fueled emotional breakdown? That can all be washed away with a little sage and some fire.
Burn your Yule tree
Every year my husband and I save our Yule tree and burn it on Imbolc. Being in the desert, that bad boy dries out quickly and burns FAST. So PLEASE make sure to exercise caution! Keep a water hose nearby, and burn your tree in small batches. Because trust me, you'll understand why firefighters warn people about dry trees once you see O Tannenbaum turn to ash in 30 seconds flat.
Having a camp or bonfire is quite traditional for Imbolc, but using your Yule tree feels extra special. It symbolizes the ever-turning Wheel of Life, and also uses what you have. Why push your poor evergreen to the curb if you can use him a few weeks later?
Yes, him. You didn't know evergreens are predominately male? Don't Google that fact. Just trust me....Evergreens are boys. Cats are girls. Dogs are also boys. And all ships are female. It's just what is. Ask any six-year-old.
Make snow spells
For you snow-bound folks, don't feel left out quite yet! If it's too cold or snowy to have a fire outside, use all that powder to your advantage! Write words or symbols in the snow for your desires in the coming year, and know that as they melt away their energies are drifting off into the Universe, helping to manifest your desires.
Just don't use yellow snow. Though that just may be an excellent option if you're looking to banish something. ;)
Burn your worries
I talk about burning your anxiety here. Being a time of release, use Imbolc to LET THAT SHIT GO. If you can't control it (which generally you can't, hence the anxiety), burn that bitch! Release your worries to the Universe. Ground yourself. Take a deep breath. Wipe the tears from your cheeks. And trust that it will work out. Things usually have a way of doing just that. You made it this far in life, my friend. You're doing well. Don't let anxiety ruin your day. I speak from experience. It does nothing except cost you time. And in the words of one of my favorite Hanson songs, "Time is a price you can't afford."
Have a Fiesta
Living in the Southwest, I've come to adore Mexican food. So flavorful. So spicy. So cheesy. If you're suffering from the winter blues and are looking for a pick-me-up, plan an Imbolc fiesta night! The spicy food will not only honor the sun, but will release endorphins in your body that will aid in lifting your spirits. Plus who doesn't love having a party? Even if it's just a small party with you and your significant other. Take the time to make it festive. Any excuse is a good excuse to celebrate.
If Imbolc is a time of renewal and cleansing, then now is the time to smoke out any funky energy left over from the holidays. That fight Uncle Earl started over the last piece of pumpkin pie? Your drunk sister deciding New Year's Eve was the time for a vodka-fueled emotional breakdown? That can all be washed away with a little sage and some fire.
Burn your Yule tree
Every year my husband and I save our Yule tree and burn it on Imbolc. Being in the desert, that bad boy dries out quickly and burns FAST. So PLEASE make sure to exercise caution! Keep a water hose nearby, and burn your tree in small batches. Because trust me, you'll understand why firefighters warn people about dry trees once you see O Tannenbaum turn to ash in 30 seconds flat.
Having a camp or bonfire is quite traditional for Imbolc, but using your Yule tree feels extra special. It symbolizes the ever-turning Wheel of Life, and also uses what you have. Why push your poor evergreen to the curb if you can use him a few weeks later?
Yes, him. You didn't know evergreens are predominately male? Don't Google that fact. Just trust me....Evergreens are boys. Cats are girls. Dogs are also boys. And all ships are female. It's just what is. Ask any six-year-old.
Make snow spells
For you snow-bound folks, don't feel left out quite yet! If it's too cold or snowy to have a fire outside, use all that powder to your advantage! Write words or symbols in the snow for your desires in the coming year, and know that as they melt away their energies are drifting off into the Universe, helping to manifest your desires.
Just don't use yellow snow. Though that just may be an excellent option if you're looking to banish something. ;)
Burn your worries
I talk about burning your anxiety here. Being a time of release, use Imbolc to LET THAT SHIT GO. If you can't control it (which generally you can't, hence the anxiety), burn that bitch! Release your worries to the Universe. Ground yourself. Take a deep breath. Wipe the tears from your cheeks. And trust that it will work out. Things usually have a way of doing just that. You made it this far in life, my friend. You're doing well. Don't let anxiety ruin your day. I speak from experience. It does nothing except cost you time. And in the words of one of my favorite Hanson songs, "Time is a price you can't afford."
Have a Fiesta
Living in the Southwest, I've come to adore Mexican food. So flavorful. So spicy. So cheesy. If you're suffering from the winter blues and are looking for a pick-me-up, plan an Imbolc fiesta night! The spicy food will not only honor the sun, but will release endorphins in your body that will aid in lifting your spirits. Plus who doesn't love having a party? Even if it's just a small party with you and your significant other. Take the time to make it festive. Any excuse is a good excuse to celebrate.
Making a
Brighid’s Cross – this ever-popular Imbolc craft is great for
older kids and younger ones with parent help. It can be done with reeds, straw,
or pipe cleaners; whatever you have on hand!
The Brighid's Cross
The cross has long been a symbol of Brighid, the Irish
goddess who presides over hearth and home. In some legends, the girl who became
St. Bridget wove the first of these crosses as she explained Christianity to
her father, a Pictish chieftain. In other stories, the cross is not a cross at
all, but a wheel of fire, which explains why it's a bit off-center in
appearance. In parts of Ireland, Brighid is known as a goddess of the
crossroads, and this symbol represents the place where two worlds meet, and the
year is at a crossroads between light and dark.
In Ireland, homes traditionally had a hearth in the center
of the house. This was where much of the household activity took place—cooking,
washing, socializing—because it was a source of both light and warmth. A
Brighid's Cross was hung over the hearth as a way of honoring Brighid at
Imbolc. Most people today have multiple sources of heat and light, but because
Brighid is a domestic sort of goddess, you may want to hang your Brighid's
Cross over the stove in your kitchen. A Brighid's Cross hung over a hearth
traditionally protected a home from disasters such as lightning, storms, or
floods, as well as keeping family members safe from illness.
While these can be purchased in many Irish craft shops or at
festivals, it's actually pretty easy to make your own. You can incorporate the
creation of your Brighid's Cross into your Imbolc rituals, use it as a
meditative exercise, or just put one together with your kids as a fun craft
To make your Brighid's Cross, you'll need straw, reeds, or
construction paper—if you're using plant material like straw or reeds, you'll
want to soak it overnight so it's pliable when you go to make your Cross. Your
end result will be about the length of one piece of your material—in other
words, a bundle of 12" reeds will yield a Brighid's Cross just slightly
longer than 12". For a super-easy, kid-friendly edition of this project,
use pipe cleaners.
Once you've completed your cross, it's ready to hang up
anywhere in your home, to welcome Brighid into your life.
Rowan and
Red Thread – up until the last century, making charms of
protection on Imbolc was a very important Scottish custom. If you don’t have a
rowan tree handy, any wood associated with protection will do – oak is much
easier for those of us in the midwest! We usually do a simple God’s eye style
weaving of red and white yarn for both protection and purification around the
and Welcoming The Brideog – an old Gaelic tradition involves
the decoration of a little white doll. If you’re feeling extra creative, this
can be made from straw as well, but I usually sew up a white dress for one of
my children’s dolls and we decorate it with fabric markers, beads, and found
objects. After she’s well decorated, the children will parade her around the
outside of the house, and then formally welcome her in. Though traditionally
she is given a special bed by the fire, we let her sleep in our children’s
Wand – in the Carmina Gadelica, it is said that Brighid ushers
in the spring with her white wand. Traditionally, one would be placed beside
the Brighid doll as she slept. Take a walk around the neighborhood looking for
fallen branches – birch and ash will be the whitest, but color isn’t as
important as the wand itself. Peeling the bark will take some assistance for
younger children, but they can decorate the wand all on their own!
How To Make a Priapic Wand
Use acorns and a branch to make a Priapic wand. Image by
Chris Stein/Digital Vision/Getty Images
By Patti Wigington
Priapus was a god of fertility, and was always depicted with
an erect phallus. In some traditions of Paganism and Wicca, a Priapic wand --
phallus-like in appearance -- is made, and used in ritual to bring forth the
new growth of spring. You can easily make one out of a few outside supplies and
some bells. This is a simple project for children as well, and they can go
outside at Imbolc and shake the bells at the ground and the trees, calling for
spring's return.
First, you'll need the following items:
A stick
An acorn
Craft glue (hot glue works fine as well)
Ribbons or yarn in brown, green, yellow, and
Small bells (get little jingle bells at your
local craft store)
Strip the bark from the stick, and create a small notch on
one end. Glue the acorn to the end of the stick.
When the glue is dry, wrap the stick in the ribbons or yarn
beginning at the acorn -- leave extra ribbon at the end to hang down like
streamers. Tie the bells on to the end of the streamers.
Use the wand by going outside around the time of Imbolc.
Explain to children that the wand symbolizes the god of the forest, or whatever
fertility god exists in your tradition. Show them how to shake the bells,
pointing the wand at the ground and trees, in order to wake the sleeping plants
within the earth. If you like, they can say an incantation as they do so, like:
Wake, wake, plants in the earth,
spring is a time of light and rebirth.
Hear, hear this magical sound,
and grow, grow, out of the ground.
spring is a time of light and rebirth.
Hear, hear this magical sound,
and grow, grow, out of the ground.
How To Make a Brighid's Crown
By Patti Wigington
is the goddess who reminds us that spring is around the corner. She watches
over hearth and home, and this craft project combines her position as
firekeeper with that of fertility goddess. Make this crown as an altar
decoration, or leave off the candles and hang it on your door for Imbolc.
You'll need the following supplies:
A circular wreath frame, either of straw or
Winter evergreens, such as pine, fir or holly
Spring flowers, such as forsythia, dandelions,
crocus, snowbulbs
Red, silver and white ribbons
Optional: Candles at least 4" long --
tapers are perfect for this - or battery operated lights
A hot glue gun
Place the wreath form on a flat surface. Using the hot glue
gun, attach the candles around the circle.
Next, attach a mixture of winter greenery and spring flowers
to the wreath. Blend them together to represent the transition between winter
and spring. Make it as thick and lush as you can, weaving in and around the
Wrap the ribbons around the wreath, weaving between the
candles. Leave some excess ribbons hanging off, if you plan to hang this on
your door or a wall, and then braid it or tie in a bow. If you're using it on
an altar, light the candles during rituals to honor Brighid.
Tip: If you're going to wear this on your head, don't use
candles - pick up a set of battery operated tea lights instead, or use a string
of battery powered twinkle lights.
Make a Brighid Corn Doll
In one of her many aspects, Brighid is known as the bride.
She is a symbol of fertility and good fortune, and is seen as yet one more step
in the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Traditionally, the Brighid doll is
made of woven grain such as oats or wheat. This version, however, uses corn
If you make a doll at Lughnasadh, you can re-use it in six
months, dressing it up in spring colors for Imbolc. This way, the Harvest
Mother becomes the Spring Bride. Some traditions, however, prefer not to re-use
their harvest doll, and instead choose to start fresh and new in the spring.
Either way is fine.
To make this simple doll, you'll need some corn husks—and
clearly, in January or February, you probably won't be able to find a lot of
those growing outside. Check your grocery store's produce section to get husks.
If you're using dried-out husks, soak them for a couple of hours to soften them
up (fresh husks need no special preparation). You'll also need some yarn or
ribbon, and a few cotton balls.
Take a strip of the husk, and fold it in half. Place two or
three cotton balls in the middle, and then twist the husk, tying it with string
to make a head. Leave a bit of husk in the front and back, below the head, to
create a torso. Make a pair of arms for your doll by folding a couple of
husks in half, and then tying it at the ends to make hands. Slip the arms
between the husks that form the torso, and tie off at the waist. If you like
your dolls plump, slide an extra cotton ball or two in there to give your
Brighid a bit of shape.
Arrange a few more husks, upside down, around the doll's
waist. Overlap them slightly, and then tie them in place with yarn—it should
look like she has her skirt up over her face. After you've tied the waist,
carefully fold the husks down, so now her skirt comes downwards, towards where
her feet would be. Trim the hem of the skirt so it's even, and let your doll
completely dry.
Once your doll has dried, you can leave her plain or give
her a face and some hair (use soft yarn). Some people go all out decorating
their bride doll—you can add clothing, an apron, beadwork, whatever your
imagination can create.
Place your Brighid in a place of honor in your home for
Imbolc, near your hearth or in the kitchen if possible. By inviting her into
your home, you are welcoming Brighid and all the fertility and abundance she
may bring with her.
Brighid's Bed
Place Brighid in a
place of honor near your hearth. Image by Catherine Bridgman/Moment Open/Getty Images
One of the things many people find most appealing about
modern Paganism is that the deities are not distant entities who never interact
those who honor them. Instead, they drop in on us regularly,
and Brighid is no exception. To show hospitality to her on Imbolc,
her day of honor, you can make a bed for Brighid to lie in. Place it in a
position of comfort, as you would for any visitor. Near your hearthfire is a
good spot—if you don't have a fire burning, in the kitchen near the stove is
equally welcoming.
The Brighid's bed is simple to make—you'll need a small
box or basket. If you want to keep things basic, just line it with a towel
or a folded blanket (receiving blankets are perfect for this). If you want to
put a little more effort in, stitch up a "mattress" by sewing two
rectangles of fabric together, and stuffing them with down or fiberfill. Place
this in the basket, and make a pillow in the same manner. Finally, place a warm
blanket over the top, and put the bed near your hearth fire.
If you've made a Brighid doll, even better! Place her
in the bed before you go to sleep at night. If you don't have a Brighid doll
and don't wish to make one, you can use a broom or besom to represent
Brighid instead. After all, the broom is an old symbol of female power and the
fertility that Brighid represents.
If you want to bring fertility and abundance into your home
this year, make sure Brighid doesn't get lonely in her bed. Place
a Priapic wand in there with her to represent the god of your
tradition. Remember, fertility doesn't just mean sexuality. It also applies for
financial gain and other abundance.
Once Brighid is in her bed, you can gather around the hearth
fire with your family, and welcome your guest with the traditional greeting,
spoken three times:
Brighid is come, Brighid is welcome!
Leave candles burning beside Brighid throughout the night -
place them in a dish of sand or dirt for safety considerations. If you need
inspiration in a matter, or wish to work some divinatory magic, stay up
throughout the night and meditate, asking Brighid for guidance.
If you're trying to conceive a child, place the wand across
Brighid in an X shape. This forms the rune "gifu," which means
"gift." Another option is to place nuts and seeds in the Brighid's
bed as well.
Brew a Batch of Imbolc Oil
This oil blend combines Ginger, Clove, and Rosemary,
representing the elements of fire, with Cypress, associated with the
astrological sign of Aquarius. To make Imbolc Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your
choice. Add the following:
3 drops Ginger
2 drops Clove
1 drop Rosemary (you can, alternatively, use a
sprig of fresh rosemary instead)
1 drop Cypress
As you blend the oils, visualize what the Imbolc season
means to you, and take in the aroma of the oils. Know that this oil is sacred
and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Make an Imbolc Wand
Imbolc comes at a time that often seems the coldest and
wettest of the year. Yet deep in the ground, Mother Earth is stirring in her
sleep and preparing to wake. The plants in your garden may look dead but many
of them too are merely sleeping. You may want to help them wake up and here’s a
way that you can do this:
Take a straight, slender stick from the yard and break it so
that it is about the length from the tip of your middle finger to your elbow.
Paint the stick with white glue and roll it in glitter. Let that dry. Then dip
the end in glue so about ½ an inch of the tip is covered.
Did you save any tinsel out from Yule? I hope so - because
now you will want to glue the ends of the tinsel to the tip of the stick so
that the shiny strands are dangling off the end. When that dries, dab some more
glue (yes, More!) onto the tip and tie thin green and gold ribbons there so
that their ends hang down about the same length as the tinsel. (The ribbons
will help hold the tinsel on and the extra glue will help keep the ribbons from
slipping off.)
Then tie little jingle bells to the ends of the ribbon. If
you want, you can paint more ribbon with glue and wind it in a spiral up the
length of your stick.
You now have a Magic Wand to wake up your garden with! Go
around the yard and gently shake your wand at any plants that need to waken.
The jingling of the bells and reflecting light off of the tinsel will perk up
even the sleepiest flowers – and if you can make a little song to sing to the
plants at the same time, that will be even better! After that, be patient and
watchful. In a few weeks, you will start seeing the first green buds of Spring.
Candlemas Candle Wheel
Samhain She can hold a broom and wear a black veil. Her
husband is dead, but she is pregnant with her next future husband.
Craft wreath
8 white candles
Ivy leaves or vines
Glue gun
Either drill thick holes into the wreath so that candles can
be placed inside, or just secure them with screw-bottom candleholders or glue
gun glue. Place the ivy leaves around in a decorative fashion.
Ritual Use:
The eight candles are symbolic of the eight spokes of the
year, and spinning the circle into motion at Imbolc is important. In ritual,
the eight candles can be solemnly lit with a cauldron or bowl placed in the
middle of the candle will. The cauldron or bowl can have the Wish Tree in the
middle of it, with water around it, and have new pennies thrown into it while
cementing the wishes. Also the tree and candle will can be toasted.
Pentacle Candle Wheel (for the older kids)
Molding Clay, Pencil, Ruler, 13- 4" White Stick Candles (1/4" diameter), Paints (optional). This Pentacle Candle Wheel is the perfect accessory to any Imbolc altar. Use enough clay to roll out flat with a rolling pin and cut out a circle 18" in diameter and 1/2" thick. Roll excess clay into rope, 1/4" in diameter and long enough to boarder the wheel base. Wet the clay rope enough to stick to base. This will contain any wax that drips from the burning candles. Score the image of the pentacle into the wheel base with the pencil, using the ruler to make straight lines. The Pentacle's points should be approx. 1/2" away from the border. Take one of the white candles and press bottom slightly (approx. 1/4" ) into each Pentacle point, each cross point (inner angles of the Pentacle) and three depressions in a pyramid shape in the top Pentacle triangle ray. Now allow the clay to dry and harden. The Pentacle Candle Wheel can be painted if desired after dried. Place candles in each of the depressions and place in the center of the Imbolc altar. Remember that the Candle Wheel is the symbol of the light that ensues from the union of the Bride and her consort, the Lord of the Forest.
Molding Clay, Pencil, Ruler, 13- 4" White Stick Candles (1/4" diameter), Paints (optional). This Pentacle Candle Wheel is the perfect accessory to any Imbolc altar. Use enough clay to roll out flat with a rolling pin and cut out a circle 18" in diameter and 1/2" thick. Roll excess clay into rope, 1/4" in diameter and long enough to boarder the wheel base. Wet the clay rope enough to stick to base. This will contain any wax that drips from the burning candles. Score the image of the pentacle into the wheel base with the pencil, using the ruler to make straight lines. The Pentacle's points should be approx. 1/2" away from the border. Take one of the white candles and press bottom slightly (approx. 1/4" ) into each Pentacle point, each cross point (inner angles of the Pentacle) and three depressions in a pyramid shape in the top Pentacle triangle ray. Now allow the clay to dry and harden. The Pentacle Candle Wheel can be painted if desired after dried. Place candles in each of the depressions and place in the center of the Imbolc altar. Remember that the Candle Wheel is the symbol of the light that ensues from the union of the Bride and her consort, the Lord of the Forest.
Make homemade butter. Pour heavy cream and a sprinkling of
salt into clean babyfood jars. Put the lid on tight. Shake and shake and shake.
Keep skaking. It will become butter.
Bride's Bouquet Sachets
Imbolic Potpourri, 1 Yard White Netting Material, Yellow and Pink 1/8" width Ribbon, Scissors. These sachets can be put in the children's clothing drawers or in rooms of the house that you'd like to smell of Imbolc even after the Sabbat is over. Potpourri is made with 1/2 cup dried basil, 1/2 cup dried chopped bay leaves, 1 cup dried Heather flowers, 1 cup dried Violets, 1 cup dried white or pink rose buds. Blend together in non-metal bowl. Cut netting material into 4"x4" squares. Lay out squares on a flat surface. Place 1 heaping tablespoon of potpourri in the middle of each square. Pull up all the corners to the middle of the potpourri and gather the excess material until potpourri is caught in a "bag". Give bag on twist to the right and tie off with yellow or pink ribbon. Use enough ribbon to make a small bow in the front of the sachet. Tell children how these sachets were exchanged as symbols of good luck and fertility.
Imbolic Potpourri, 1 Yard White Netting Material, Yellow and Pink 1/8" width Ribbon, Scissors. These sachets can be put in the children's clothing drawers or in rooms of the house that you'd like to smell of Imbolc even after the Sabbat is over. Potpourri is made with 1/2 cup dried basil, 1/2 cup dried chopped bay leaves, 1 cup dried Heather flowers, 1 cup dried Violets, 1 cup dried white or pink rose buds. Blend together in non-metal bowl. Cut netting material into 4"x4" squares. Lay out squares on a flat surface. Place 1 heaping tablespoon of potpourri in the middle of each square. Pull up all the corners to the middle of the potpourri and gather the excess material until potpourri is caught in a "bag". Give bag on twist to the right and tie off with yellow or pink ribbon. Use enough ribbon to make a small bow in the front of the sachet. Tell children how these sachets were exchanged as symbols of good luck and fertility.
Make a toilet paper roll candle. Have your child paint or
cover a toilet paper roll in construction paper. Have them cut a large flame
from orange, then a smaller one from yellow, and and even smaller one from red.
Layer them, and glue together. Staple, tape or glue the "flame" to
the toilet paper roll.
Have a Spring Cleaning party with your child. Give them
child size brooms, mops, and dustpans. Children love to dust too. Have them go
through their clothes and toys to help you decide what they've outgrown and can
donate to charity.
Give your child seed catalogs and women's magazines when you're
done reading them. Have them search for flowers and signs of Spring. They can
cut out the pictures and glue them in a Spring collage.
Let your child draw an outline of a lamb on paper. Give them
cotton balls and let them glue them all over the lamb.
There are many candle making kits for sale at craft stores.
Keep in mind the age of your child, and select an appropriate kit to make
candles. I love the beeswax candles.
Plant seeds with your child. Seed starter mixture is the
best to use. Peat pots can be plated directly into the ground.
Have everyone in the family make a prediction about whether
the ground hog will see his shadow or not.
For much older children, the book "Spell Crafts,
Creating Magical Objects" by Scott Cunningham and David Harrington, has
detailed instructions for making parrafin candles on page 89. They call them
"Tapers of Power."
Make jeweled candle holders. First make the clay: Put 2 cups
of salt and 2/3 cup water in a saucepan. Heat and stir for 3-4 minutes. Remove
from heat and add 1 cup of cornstarch and 1/2 cup water. Mix thoroughly. Het
more if it needs to be thickened. This recipe takes a strong stirring arm. Let
cool a bit, then store in airtight container until you're ready to use. Second:
shape into a candle holder. Put the candle in to make the hole, then take out
to dry. I found "jewels" in the local discount store's crafts
section. Put those on the candle holder. Let dry. You may have to glue the
jewels back on after the clay is dry. This can also be painted and covered in
shellac if you wish.
Little Lamb Song
(sung to the tune of London Bridges)
Little lambs go
baa, baa, baa
baa, baa, baa,
baa, baa, baa.
Little lambs go
baa, baa, baa,
In the Springtime.
(sung to the tune of London Bridges)
Little lambs go
baa, baa, baa
baa, baa, baa,
baa, baa, baa.
Little lambs go
baa, baa, baa,
In the Springtime.
Candlemas Song
(to the tune of "Have you ever seen a Lassie,")
Red Candles,
Pink Candles,
Brown candles too.
Will you light the candles?
Please, please do.
Red candles,
Pink Candles,
Brown candles too.
All shine at Candlemas
For me and for you.
(to the tune of "Have you ever seen a Lassie,")
Red Candles,
Pink Candles,
Brown candles too.
Will you light the candles?
Please, please do.
Red candles,
Pink Candles,
Brown candles too.
All shine at Candlemas
For me and for you.